They gallop and trot, whinny and neigh, capturing our imagination — and our hearts. Indeed, horses are said to have done more to change human history than any other domestic animal, once upon a time carrying explorers to new frontiers and mighty armies to great conquests.
Though their glory days may be in the past, these hoofed creatures continue to enthrall us, even in today’s modern world. From the steppes of Mongolia, where children race at breakneck speeds perched on stallions ten times their size, to the fields of Georgia, where people confined to wheelchairs find new freedom in the saddle, the horse is still playing a role in the enrichment of our lives. The horse rekindles the spirit and fills our hearts with a child’s love.
Our mission is to not only end the deplorable act of slaughtering horses for human consumption but to also end the inhumane treatment of one of the most noble creatures on this planet..
They deserve to be treated with the utmost respect and while we do realize that sometimes a horse will need to be euthanized we not only condemn the selling of horse flesh as a food substance we also condemn the conditions they are subjected to in the act of slaughtering.
This must stop!
We need your help! As a unified voice we have the power to make a difference!
Please take the time to read this document
We can stop this despicable trade with legislation that is already in the laps of Congress. We need to push for the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act to be passed into a federal law that will prevent any American horse to be bought, sold or transported to any slaughter house that kills horses for human consumption.